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Reading Playground FAQs


Reading Playground FAQs

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Reading Playground FAQs

What is the new Reading Playground?

We are excited to announce that Really Great Reading developed a Reading Playground that helps students independently practice the foundational literacy skills they are learning in Countdown, Blast, and HD Word. This Reading Playground has the following features:

  • A play-based digital platform that merges learning, assessment, and practice.
  • Research-aligned activities designed to accelerate the acquisition of skills and knowledge necessary to transform unfamiliar words into familiar and instantly recognizable words.
  • An adaptive platform that honors the diversity of students’ abilities to master their phonics skills at different rates and with different amounts of practice.
  • Responsive capabilities, so it can be used across multiple devices and platforms.
  • An easy-to-read teacher dashboard, so you can monitor individual student performance.
How and when was the Reading Playground released?

To support our teachers and students during the COVID crisis, in September 2020, our NEW BETA Reading Playground for Countdown, Blast, and HD Word was released.

Does this replace the student workbooks?

No. It augments and solidifies the guided practice found in the student workbook. The workbook activities are designed to facilitate guided practice. Guided practice is a crucial component for most students. There is no replacement for a teacher hearing a child read out loud and offering real-time corrective (adjusting) feedback. The Reading Playground provides independent practice, which has some advantages (adaptivity, home accessibility, etc.), but it cannot replace the “magical” touch that a teacher provides. Until we can get back to having a sufficient amount of time with our students, these playgrounds will help you know who needs more of your magic.

How do Administrators access the School Dashboard?

Once your school has been released, Administrators can go to, click School Dashboard in the upper right-hand corner and you will be brought to your login page. Login using the credentials you were sent via email. 

Should you not receive the email, please check your spam filter or call 866-401-7323 x6

How do Students access the Student Dashboard?

Once your teachers have set up their classes and added their students, students can go to and enter their assigned three-word passcode to log in. A list of your student's unique three-word passcodes can be found in your Teacher Dashboard by clicking on the Classes tab and opening your class. Listed next to each student's name will be their three-word passcode.

What is the cost?

$21 a year per student or $14 for 6 months per student. By the way, Letter Tile Free Play is included!

How do my students access it?

Each student will be given their own unique three-word code that tracks the student’s progress and reports on how well and how quickly the student is mastering foundational literacy skills.

Can I create my own quote?

Yes, you can create your own quote. Go to

Can we roster through Clever or Classlink?

Yes, with a minimum of 200 students in your district or school, you can request rostering through the Clever or Classlink.

Are my kids missing instruction if they don't have access to the Reading Playground?

Please know that the Reading Playground is a wonderful extension for independent practice for students to use at home/school to build confidence with their phonics skills. We want to reinforce that it is not an essential “piece of instruction” for our daily lessons. Your teachers have everything needed to complete their weekly units and to teach with fidelity. The Reading Playground will only build on that learning.

Once my school has access to the School Dashboard, what are the steps to giving my students access?
  1. First, on the School Dashboard, the school administrators will set up the teacher list and distribute seats/licenses to teachers, and import student rosters. 
  2. Next, on the Teacher Dashboard, teachers can then create classes and add students. 
  3. Finally, on students can log in using their unique three-word passcode to practice in their Reading Playground.
How do Teachers access the Teacher Dashboard?

Once your school has been released, go to, click on the Teacher Dashboard in the upper right-hand corner and you will be brought to your login page.

Is this part of Really Great Reading’s COVID response and resources?

Yes, we know that many states had a need for distance learning or alternating instructional days this fall. Both are very challenging for K-3 learners. Really Great Reading worked hard to be responsive to those challenges.

Can I purchase Student Workbook and seats to the Reading Playgrounds together?

Yes, you can order the Student Workbook & Reading Playground Bundle (minimum of five seats).

Is it FERPA and COPPA compliant?

Yes, it is FERPA and COPPA compliant. Your students’ data and privacy are important to us.

What Really Great Reading Team do I contact if I have questions?

Communication is the key to a really great implementation. We have teams within Really Great Reading that help along the way. These teams are well-oiled machines with only one goal, supporting educators and administrators so the kids get the best possible outcomes. Don't hesitate to contact us. 

To email us please add to the email address listed below: 

  • Implementation Team –Questions about your implementation or request a quote - 866-401-7323 x 2 - info@
  • Subscription Team – Inquire about Online Tools, Reading Playground, and the Administrative Subscription Portal – 866-401-7323 x 6 - onlinetools@ 
  • Workshops & Professional Development Team – Inquire about professional development or enrollment in our Virtual Implementation Training Course or - 866-401-7323 x 3 – workshops@ 
  • Grouping Matrix Team – Grouping Matrix, student data, and progress monitoring – 866-401-7323 x 1 - groupingmatrix@ 
  • Accounting Team – Request an invoice or discuss billing - 866-401-7323 x 4 – info@ 
  • Customer Service Team - For all other questions including tracking and shipment questions - 866-401-7323 x 5 – info@